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Electricity BillMost places in Merida make you pay for electricity at the end of your stay based on your usage. We DO NOT add electricity charges at the end of your stay. Air conditioning is available in all the rooms. We simply ask that you shut off the ACs when you aren't in the rooms and when you aren't home. This helps us to keep our bills manageable and not add additional charges to guests.
MosquitoesMerida has a tropical climate and mosquitoes as well as other bugs abound! That being said, there are mosquito screens throughout the house and a zapper racquet. Be sure to pack your bug spray but if you forget, it's easily available at a grocery or corner shop.
SafetyMerida is famous for being one of the safest places in all of Mexico. You will feel comfortable walking around the plazas and streets. Public spaces are well lit. Take precautions about being mindful of your belongings and surroundings as you would traveling to any place.
InternetInternet and WiFi is available throughout Casa La Escondida. There are also boosters in every room to ensure seamless connectivity. Most cafes also provide free WiFi so it's easy to stay connected even while out and about.
Getting Around - Rent a Car (Parking) / UberUber operates throughout Merida except at the airport, where you must hire a private taxi for pick-up and drop-off. A private taxi service we recommend is: Alberto Menendez Martínez +52 991 959 2825 It costs about $25 USD for pick-up or drop-off to the airport from Casa La Escondida. Casa La Escondida features a private parking garage, making it easy to park your car. We offer car rental for your stay. If you are interested contact us and we can reserve it for you.
CleanlinessMerida is a clean city and you will notice it right away. Locals feel a lot of pride about their city and do their best to keep it looking good. Casa La Escondida is kept in tip-top shape by Emmanuel and Tamayo, our house keeping team. They are meticulous about cleanliness and maintain professional standards. Housekeeping is offered every 3 days at Casa La Escondida at no additional charge. In case you need additional cleaning or pool servicing, let us know and we will arrange it for you.
FoodThere is a plethora of dining options in Merida from traditional fare to international cuisine. Be sure to check out our favorite places that offer vegetarian options too! In case you want to indulge in a relaxing evening at home, Casa La Escondida offers a full kitchen to make meals. Want something even better? We can arrange a private chef to prepare a traditional Yucatan feast for you at the house. Clean-up is included! Contact us for details.
Drinking waterAll over Mexico, water must be filtered to drink and you should not drink water directly out of the tap. At Casa La Escondida, the kitchen has a special tap that pour filtered water for drinking. The ice maker in the fridge also uses filtered water for the ice. When you are out at restaurants, you can opt for bottled water or you can drink filtered water that is normally served.
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